Thank you for examining StockWatcher 1.1. This ReadMe file includes updated information that may not appear in other documentation.
1 - Included Files
2 - System Requirements
3 - Quick Start
4 - Registration
5 - Licensing Options
6 - Support
7 - Known Problems
8 - Updates and Bug Fixes
9 - Version History
1 - Included Files
The StockWatcher download contains the following files:
Read Me—StockWatcher 1.12
Launch User's Guide
If any of these files are missing, download the latest version of StockWatcher from <>
2 - System Requirements
StockWatcher has the following minimum system requirements:
• PowerMacintosh running MacOS version 8.1 or later
• Internet connection
• 1 MB of available hard disk space
• 16 MB of installed RAM
3 - Quick Start
To launch, double-click the StockWatcher icon. When the StockWatcher window appears, click Buy to add stocks to your portfolio. To receive the most current prices of your stocks, click either Update or Update All.
To set StockWatcher to perform updates automatically, choose Preferences from the Edit menu. Click on the Internet tab and select the update interval.
For a more detailed explanation of StockWatcher, please refer to the StockWatcher User's Guide.
4 - Registration
StockWatcher is distributed as demoware. Until registering StockWatcher, it will work with the following limitations:
1) It will only allow you enter and keep track of three stocks.
2) It will only run for one half hour at a time.
To register StockWatcher online (preferred method):
1) Go to the PennyWise Software web site at
2) Click "Buy Online" on the left side of the screen.
3) Fill out the order form.
To register using StockWatcher’s registration tool:
1) Run the registration application and fill out the form. You will need to enter your name, email address, postal address and the type of license you wish to purchase.
2) You will then need to either email the completed form to Kagi Shareware or print and send via fax or ground mail. Credit card information is encrypted by the registration software.
All registrations of StockWatcher are handled using the Kagi software registration system. They accept the following payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, US check, money order, cash and First Virtual.
Kagi’s contact information:
FAX: 510-652-6589
Ground Mail:
1442-A Walnut Street PMB #392-U6G
Berkeley, CA, 94709-1405
Once your registration is processed, you will be emailed a registration code to unlock the full version of StockWatcher.
5 - Licensing Options
There are three licenses available for StockWatcher:
1) Single User License ($25) – This license allows a single user to install and run StockWatcher on one machine.
2) Site License ($200) – This license allows anyone in a single organization at a single location (or locations in the same organization within a 100 mile radius) to install and run StockWatcher (no limit on number of machines).
3) Worldwide License ($500) – This license allows any number of users at any number of locations in a single organization can install and run StockWatcher.
6 - Support
Technical support is handled via email: Please forward all questions, comments, potential bugs, or enhancement ideas to this address.